Men’s Handicap Pennant Team won the Grand Final in May 2024. Well done team, consisting of: Leon McConnell, Peter Kowalski, Matt Gardner, David Johnson, James Pilkington, Ben Mathews, Paul Waddell & Jarrod Parker.

Senior Men’s Pennant team had a huge win at home on 7 March against Forest Hill with all 8 players winning their game. The victorious team were: John Marshall, Greg Smith, Paul Bradley, Bob Franks, Maurie Untersteiner, John Dawson, Alan Diggle, Mal Holley & Manager – George Weaver.
This team were Runner’s Up in their Grand Final.

The Ladies 2024 Pennant Team:
Deb Powell, Jane Cook, Lorraine Ritchie, Vera Pazourek , Maree Renowden,  Im Sittireanchai, Jeynelle Wilcox, & Karen Lorkin.